Offshore Diving Works

TSM3D intervenes all over the world for the construction, inspection and maintenance of your installations in order to meet your requirements, to offer high technical control resulting from our experience reinforced by regulatory and professionnal qualifications guaranteeing quality and security of our operations.

assistance-sous-marine-pour-GEOCEAN-pour-la-construction-terminal -FRSU-installation-complète-de-pipeline-plem-pipeline-spool-flexibles-et-lignes-ancrages

BANGLADESH near Chittagong
Diving assistance for Geocean operations such as complete FSRU (1) construction and installation, including pipeline, plem, pipeline spool, riser and mooring lines’s installation at depth – 40m,

(1) Floating Storage Regasification Unit

assistance-sous-marine-pose-pipeline-acier-GRP-installation-complète-bouée-SBM-pipeline-spool-PLEM-pour-alimenter-une-centrale-thermoélectrique- à-gasoil-et-pour-le-refroidissement-en-eau-de-mer-des turbines-électriques

LYBIA near Sirte
Diving assistance for the laying of steel and GRP pipelines, complete installation of an SBM buoy (1), pipeline spool and PLEM (2) to supply a thermoelectric power station wtih diesel fuel and for seawater cooling of the electrical turbines
(1) Single Buoy Mooring 
(2) Pipeline End Manifold 


Diving assistance for the pulling, and the installation of PEHD pipelines x 8, spool, intake heads

assistance-sous-marine-pour-GEOCEAN-pour-la-pose-de-pipelines-en-acier-la-connexion-des-pipelines-à-la-CBM-installation-du-PLEM-des-diffuseurs-CSP-… -et-LD-TRAVOCEAN-pour-la-pose-câble-énergie-de-54-km-pour-alimenter-le-CSP

BENIN near Cotonou
Diving assistance for GEOCEAN operations such as steel pipelines’s installation, pipelines’s connexion to the CBM (1) , PLEM’s (2)/diffusers and CSP (3)… installation.
Diving assistance for LD TRAVOCEAN for the installation of a power cable of 14 km to supply the CSP.

(1) Calm Buoy Mooring 
(2) Pipeline End Manifold 
(3) Conductor Supported Platform 


IVORY COAST at ADDAH (near Abidjan) – Foxtrot
Diving assistance for directed drilling and pulling of a steel pipeline


Diving assistance for the installation of a power cable and an optical fiber cable between two islands.

Sir Banyas island : 2 cables of 13 km each
Qaffay island : 1 cable of 40 km


BELGIUM at Ostende « Thornton Bank Offshore windfarm »
Diving assistance for the installation of power cables for the offshore windfarm


MOROCCO at Tétouan and Casablanca
Diving assistance for the realization of marine emissaries